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Islamic books
Islamic books

Syed Abul Aala Maudoodi (R.A), the name in Islam who does not need any introduction for Muslims and all over the world. He spends all his life in learning and teaching the correct and right concepts of Islam. He translated the Holy Qur’an in different way beyond the limits of formal writing. His translated Qur’an Pak teaches the Holy Book in new way. He is well known author of Tafheem Ul Quran with 7 volumes. He starts the way of Sirat E Mustaqeem with his translated Qur’an Pak and he teaches the each and everything needed and required to go in this path. Besides these great writings he also wrote the books From Kalma Tayyaba to deepest root of Islam and Muslims. He teaches the Love, respect and humanity in his writings. He is the one who kept himself consuming in leading the Muslims all his life. He used to benefit Muslims during his life and he wrote his several books for the new generation to walk in the light of beautiful principles of Islam to achive their actual goals of life. May ALLAH PAK grant him with peace in the highest ranks of Jannat Ul Firdous.Aameen!
His writings are shared with our Muslim brothers and sisters so that may also avail themselves from these golden words.



  1. Al-Jihad Fi-Islam
  2. Tehreek-e-Azadi-hind-aur-Muslaman 1
  3. Tehreek-e-Azadi-hind-aur-Muslaman 2
  4. Khutbaat
  5. Sood
  6. Tehzeeb-aur-us-kay-Usul-o-Mubadi
  7. Tauheed-aur-Risalat
  8. Islam-ka-Ikhlaqi-Nuqta-e-Nazar
  9. Khilafat-e-Malookeyat
  10. Islam-aur-Jahiliat
  11. Pardah
  12. Banao-aur-Bigad
  13. Dawat-e-Deen
  14. Deeniyaat
  15. Deen-aur-Khawateen
  16. Deen-e-Haqq
  17. Durood-un-par-salam-un-par
  18. Islam_dor-e-jadeed_ka_mazhab.
  19. Islami-Nizam-e-Zindagi-aur-us-kay-Buniyadi-Tassawuraat
  20. Islami-Riyasat
  21. Kernae_ka_kaam
  22. Khulasa_e_Quraan_Kareem
  23. Islam_dor-e-jadeed_ka_mazhab
  24. Khutbaat_e_Europe
  25. Kitaab_us_Soum
  26. Masala_e_Jabar_o_Qadar
  27. Moasheeyat_e_Islam
  28. Moasheeyat_e_Islam
  29. Quran_ki_4_Bunyadi_Istelahain
  30. Rah-e-Khuda_Main_Jihad
  31. Salamti_ka_Rasta
  32. Tanqeehaat
  33. Taleemaat
  34. Tajdeed_o_Ahyaa_e_Deen
  35. Sunnat_ki_aaeeni_hayseeat
  36. Tafheemat1
  37. Tafheemat2
  38. Tafheemat3
  39. Tafheemat4
  40. Tafheemat5




Wasif Ali Wasif (R.A) (15 January 1929 – 18 January 1993), a Saint of modern era from Pakistan, well known as educationist, writer, poet, reformer and a mystic intellectual. He was famous for his unique literary style. He used to write short pieces of prose on topics like love, life, fortune, fear, hope, expectation, promise, prayer, happiness, sorrow and so on. Many M Phil and PhD theses have been conducted in various Universities of Pakistan on his life and work,. In one of the theses he is stated as Reformist of Pakistan.


 Probably no contemporary Urdu writer is more cited in quotations than he is. He has beautifully amalgamated Pakistanism with mysticism. His Mystic teachings, taking roots directly from Shariah ( Quran and Hadees) represent the inner core and real essence of Islam. He got a gifted art of creating a rainbow of meanings with the help of very few droplets of words. He may be considered the pioneer of aphorism in Urdu literature.

Here, his writings are shared with you.

  1. Baat Se Baat
  2. Bhare Bharole by Wasif Ali Wasif
  3. DDS
  4. Gumnam Adeeb
  5. HHH – Reduce
  6. KKS – Reduce Size
  7. Mukalma
  8. QQQ – Reduce
  9. Shab e Raz
  10. ShabeChairagh
  11. Zikr e Habib
  12. Guftagu 1
  13. Guftagu 2
  14. Guftagu 3
  15. Guftagu 4
  16. Guftagu 5
  17. Guftagu 6
  18. Guftagu 7
  19. Guftagu 8
  20. Guftagu 9
  21. Guftagu 10
  22. Guftagu 11
  23. Guftagu 12
  24. Guftagu 13
  25. Guftagu 14
  26. Guftagu 15
  27. Guftagu 16
  28. Guftagu 17
  29. Guftagu 18
  30. Guftagu 19
  31. Guftagu 20
  32. Guftagu 21
  33. Guftagu 22
  34. Guftagu 23
  35. Guftagu 24
  36. Guftagu 25
  37. Guftagu 26
  38. Guftagu 27
  39. Guftagu 28 
  40. Guftagu 29



Islam leads not only the Muslims but also the whole mankind in the right way. Many and many books are written in the light of principles of mankind to lead the people. Each and every aspect of Islam is special and particular with its unique beauty. A man finds his ways in every field of life in the light of Islam.

Some books out of unlimited stock of Islam are shared with you.

  1. Tafseer Ibn e Kaseer Complete
  2. Nabi-e-Rahmat s.a.w
  3. AftabENabuwatKiSunehriShuaein
  4. Hazrat Umar Ra
  5. Dawaa-e-shafi-pdfbooksfree
  6. Shifa-ul-Aleel
  7. Anfas-ul-Arfeen

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