
Why Authors Should Try a Book Trailer to market their books

When you are planning to launch a book, you will come across the idea of creating a book trailer. Yes! It’s just like the trailers you watch before a movie is released. A book trailer helps the audience learn more about the book and find details about the storyline, etc.

However, the majority of the authors are against it because they believe one should not expose any element of a book to the audience before they read it. As a result, authors were not at all interested in launching a book trailer. But, we can see a shift in the trend slowly.

Many new authors and publishers are now interested in launching book trailers for their new work. It has been found that 64% of people are more inclined to buy a book after watching a trailer.

So, is it a good idea to use a book trailer for your book release? Or you should stick to the more conventional methods for marketing the book you have written.  

1. Videos Are Popular –

videos are the most popular and in-demand content medium in India these days. Video marketing has seen a massive surge in its demand over the last few years, and this continues to grow with every passing year. Video content has become very popular worldwide, and it can help your book receive quite the exposure it needs.

Did you know that videos contribute to more than 74% of all online traffic in today’s time? When you launch a book trailer, people can get a quick sneak peek at what they can expect from the book. Videos can excite your book. Just use a good-quality video editor to create high-quality and visually appealing content.

2. Visuals Always Work –

Videos offer a visual that helps a person understand what they are going to buy clearly. Visuals work much better when it comes to promoting a product, and in this case, it is a book.

Better visuals will create a good sense of curiosity and excitement for the audience. This will give your book a quick boost, and people will show more interest in buying it. It has been observed that videos help 72% of all marketers to receive better ROI for the efforts they put into a strategy.

Videos help to build up engagement with the audience and reflect the original uniqueness. The human brain can process any visual 6000 times faster when compared to simple texts. People also show more interest in watching a full video than in reading a full block of text.

3. Delivering a Better CTA –

A Call To Action is one of the most important aspects of launching a book trailer. When you are making a video it becomes easier for a person to add a CTA of the product. A CTA can guide the audience through the buying process and directly impact your sales and revenue over time.

A CTA helps you to motivate the audience to purchase your book and find out its true value. It helps them to give down the sales funnel and buy it. You will be surprised to know that almost 70% of all people don’t use a CTA in their content. You should not make the same mistake and definitely use a CTA for your brand new book. 

4. Build a Bigger Audience –

one of the best reasons why authors focus on a good book trailer is because it is easily shareable, and people are genuinely interested in sharing them. Videos can be easily shared among your circles, and at least 92% of video watchers share the video they watch.

So, if the audience likes the launch trailer, they will share it on social media, which exposes your book to other people quickly. The ability to build a bigger audience is one of the key factors for your success in this industry. Book trailers can open the chances of improving overall sales by 90%. The bigger the audience, the better will be the sales.

5. Make the Most of Social Media –

A great way to witness more sales and attract a bigger audience is by nurturing social media. Videos and social media go hand-in-hand. People are continuously sharing videos on social media and talking about them with each other. It is now one of the most common mediums of communication in online platforms. If you are going to launch a book along with the book trailer, it will help you make the most of social media.

Uploading a video rather than a simple text or image is much more effective. You can easily attract the attention of people from platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

6. Increased Sales and Revenue –

As an author, one of the things that will always worry you is whether your book is going to sell enough copies or not. The publisher will have a hard time paying you if the book does not sell copies in the market. Just like any other product, you have to market your books with full effect.

Lack of marketing when you are releasing a book can directly affect the sales and overall revenue that is generated over time. Lack of sales can significantly reduce the author’s royalty that you were supposed to receive from the publisher.

So, when you create a book trailer and share it with the audience, they will be more interested in it. More people will be aware of it, and people will be sharing it on social media. All of that can directly give better sales in the coming days.


So, these are the top reasons why we believe that authors should work on book trailers and pay good attention to them. With time things have changed, and people need to utilize modern-day techniques for better sales and business. As an author, a book trailer can be your best shot to reach a bigger audience and attract more people to your creation.


About the author

Muhammad Qasim

Muhammad Qasim, founder of Shaheen ebooks website, which is an online ebooks library serving Urdu books, novels, and dramas to the global Urdu reading community for the last 3 years (since 2018.

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